OSE - Demonstration Corporation for Energy Management System- Interviewed by Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation

OSE - Demonstration Corporation for Energy Management System- Interviewed by Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation

Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation are the most serious environmental challenges of the world nowadays. Energy management has also become one of the key roles in business operational strategies of all companies.

OSE joined and participated in the Energy Management Counseling Demonstration Program held by Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and became one of the demonstration companies. (Source: Ministry of Economic Affairs - 2023 Promotion Results Manual of Energy Management, Manufacturing Industry-Page 88 https://ghg.tgpf.org.tw/Resources/).

Through the systematic energy management mechanism, we started from a comprehensive energy check to identify current hot spots then implemented multiple actions such as replacing the high energy-consuming equipment with more energy efficient ones, supplementing with process optimization, replacing traditional lamps and so on to carry out energy conservation and carbon reduction. Our HQ and AT buildings have also passed the ISO 50001 energy management system certification and we will expand appropriate activities to other manufacturing sites in the future.

Our implementation of actions took account of environment, social and governance in response to the Sustainable Development Goals while upholding our core values of "Integrity, Innovation, Proactiveness and Empathy" to contribute to environmental protection and achieve the goal of sustainable operation.

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