OSE Team Won First Place in the Beach Cleanup Activity at Kezailiao, Ziguan District

OSE Team Won First Place in the Beach Cleanup Activity at Kezailiao, Ziguan District

Adhere to the business philosophy of sustainability, we’ve been participating in diverse community events and activities to fulfill our social responsibility.

This March, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government organized a beach cleanup activity “Start Beach Cleaning for a More comfortable Environment”at Kezailiao, Ziguan District.

According to the information from Kaohsiung City Government, over 600 participants joined this activity and more than 500 kilograms marine debris were collected, containing 367 kilograms general waste and 149 kilograms recyclable waste.

“OSE Baby Team”represented OSE(Orient Semiconductor Electronics) to join the beach cleanup. “OSE Baby Team”consisted of 25 Volunteers from different departments, rounded at 8 to collect 104 kilograms of waste which was around 20% of the total waste during the activity and thus we got the first prize!

Being a global citizen, OSE will keep devoted to all kinds of environmental conservation activities, deepen the engagement with communities to move toward a sustainable business.

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